Transgender law maker elected in recent elections

New post on National Center for Transgender Equality’s Blog

2012 Election Roundup and What’s Next for Trans Equality Part I

by transgenderequality

President Obama’s re-election bodes well for transgender advocacy at the federal level. But President Obama’s victory is not the only sign for maintaining our optimism. This year’s Election results include a lot of good things for transgender equality:

  1. In addition to electing an all-female delegation of Congressional members, New Hampshire elected the first openly transgender state lawmaker, Stacie Laughton.
  2. The election of Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to the U.S. Senate is good for transgender equality. Baldwin became the nation’s first openly LGBT senator, and she championed LGBT equality during her tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives. Both Baldwin and Warren have been fighters for the middle class, which has benefitted transgender Americans.
  3.  The U.S. Senate has more pro-equality Senators than ever before. Congress now also has the highest number (seven) of openly LGBT elected officials in Congress’ history including the first out bisexual elected official, Representative Krysten Sinema (D-AZ), and the first LGBT person of color, Representative Mark Takano (D-CA)
  4.  Maryland, Maine, and Washington state each passed ballot measures to approve the freedom to marry. Minnesota blocked the passage of a constitutional amendment banning the freedom to marry.
  5.  The election outcomes cement health care reform over the long term, ensuring that the practice of denying health care insurance for “pre-existing conditions” ends for good.

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