
So many years ago when I fought so hard to hide my reality,because even I had no true understanding of why or who I really was I just succumbed to showing a picture I wanted others to see.

During  some of that time I manifested a gruesome military warrior ,hell bent on being seen as the complete antithesis of my inner reality,and yet a successful warrior none the less,as I felt failure of my male persona  was somehow a brand I might carry into my unknown future.

Years kept clicking by , and my reality continued to elude me,and any cognizant answers just seemed like a never ending pit from which I would not emerge.

Thirsty for anything that would bring some understanding to my never ending search to my blindness I felt would never reveal any answers,and then the world by way of computer knowledge ,allowed me find out that many others in this world,had also experienced the unknown.

I soon began to realize that the known was  the  teacher ,I had looked for with no map.

Answers came flooding into my mind and I soon found ,that the unknown was completely available,if I only knew where to look.

While looking may be a never ending quest it brings me to a better understanding everyday.

Hugzz Butterfly

2 thoughts on “Unknown

  1. i think most people have a similar story – feelings inside that they refuse to acknowledge or, otherwise known as their true music. most die with their music still buried within. you, my dear, are a role model for all of us. xo

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